Transportation Improvement Program

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The SKATS FY 2024-2029 TIP was adopted on May 23, 2023.  For current TIP tables, scroll to end of this page under 'Supporting Documents'


The Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study (SKATS) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) establishes the schedule and priority for the near-term (six-year) funding and implementation of projects called for in the adopted 20-year Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The first four (4) years of the TIP are incorporated in the Oregon Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The last two years of the TIP are illustrative and therefore not included in the STIP.

The TIP is the region’s short-range capital improvements program for roads, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, transit vehicles and facilities, planning projects, and other transportation activities.  Included is a description of the regional transportation planning process, a description of the state and federal regulations that guide regional transportation planning, and a list of transportation projects proposed during the years of the TIP, including ODOT or local projects that are regionally significant and/or federally funded. Also included is a discussion of how the transportation projects planned for our region will help to achieve performance targets, linking investments to those targets.

Federal regulations require that the TIP be “financially constrained.” Described in this document is how federal, state, and local funds will be invested to support our transportation system over the next four years.  SKATS has discretion over programming between $7 and $8 million in federal funds for each year on transportation programs and projects in our region. 

The TIP is developed through a cooperative planning process led by SKATS, the region's federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and reflect active participation by area jurisdictions, agencies, interest groups, and the public. The TIP is updated every three years.  Between updates, the TIP may be adjusted or amended following the established TIP Modification Process.

The SKATS Public Participation Plan describes the types of activities used to involve the public and solict public comment. For public transportation projects, the public participation process for the Transportation Improvement Program satisfies the public participation process and timing for the Program of Projects.  

Available on the Maps page are maps of the current TIP, past TIP, and projects both under development or completed since 2005. 

Additional information on projects and programs is available on the SKATS Transportation Hub.